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How to generate app downloads and amplify your app

November 2023 -

App store optimisation, or ASO for short, is the process of optimising your app to ensure more people can find and download it through their store of choice. It’s to apps what SEO is for products, and every bit as important as that sounds. Maybe even more so.

That’s because 70% of all apps are discovered via app stores, which means that optimising your presence on Google, Apple and Microsoft should be your #1 priority.

Yet, all too often, it’s overlooked by developers who instead focus their attention on other marketing channels to drive customers to their app store entry.

So given its importance, what can you do to elevate your visibility and boost install rates via the app store?

Don't miss our latest report as we share with you the 4 pillars of increasing app-installs:

1. App Store Optimisation
2. App store ads
3. Creative optimisation

4. Amplification, Platform Selection, Measurement

Download your copy today and if you're ready to increase app installs and enhance your strategy and framework then drop us a line.

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