May 2024 • Technology & Experience • Events
In a world of rising choice paralysis, crafting a compelling and consistent brand narrative has never been more crucial. The right stories and reputation will help you stand out from the competition, build trust, align internal stakeholders and strengthen customer loyalty—ultimately driving long-term growth for your business.
But for complex, multi-market and multifunctional businesses like the Vodafone Group, delivering the right communications strategy consistently across your digital platforms is a challenge. That’s where composable comes in. As its senior communications and digital solutions manager Sam Billet tells us, a composable approach has unlocked not only huge cost efficiencies for the global communications brand, but fresh storytelling formats and seamless UX to boot.
“As a result of the improvements we’ve been making, we’ve improved favourability in terms of engagement on by 22% in the last three years,” says Sam. “And favourability has a direct correlation to reputation. We’ve moved the needle. That’s the impact our stakeholders’ investments are having.”
Heading up the business’s digital transformation strategy, Sam has over five years' experience at Vodafone implementing digital and technical solutions in pursuit of communications, marketing and brand goals. He and our chief marketing officer Hannah Baker sat down at our Composable Commerce Summit for a conversation on Vodafone’s success story, discussing:
How the flexibility of a front-end storefront helped Vodafone Group tell consistent, dynamic stories across their digital ecosystem
How to choose and integrate the right tech for your communications and brand goals
How to bridge the communications gap between developers and executives in your organisation
The key learnings from Vodafone Group’s ongoing composable journey
“Don’t race to the finish with composable projects,” advises Sam. “You’re educating a business on something they inherently don’t understand. So triage it and take people on that journey with you.”
If you missed out on the day, you can watch the entire recording below.