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The great transition to the net zero economy

May 2024  •  Technology & Experience  •  Events

The great transition to the net zero economy is the biggest economic opportunity of our lifetimes. Shifting to green, clean (decarbonised) growth will define your career for the next 20 years. But there's a bug in the system...the more that tech is solely used to make transactions and consumption more frictionless, the more it’ll worsen climate breakdown. 

McKinsey Sustainability estimates that global spending on physical assets in the transition would amount to about $275 trillion between 2021 and 2050, or about 7.5 percent of GDP annually on average. The biggest increase as a share of GDP would be between 2026 and 2030. Demand would be substantially affected. 

Net zero efforts tend to focus on the supply-side of the business model: manufacturing, feedstocks, distribution and reporting. But that’s only half the story. A successful transition will only come about when the demand-side is also transformed. It’s one thing to develop a sustainable supply chain, but it's another to see consumers demand them at scale. 

That’s where Leo Reyman comes in. The founder and CEO at green growth consultancy and venture studio EdenLab, Leo took to the stage at our Composable Commerce Summit for an inspiring keynote on the role businesses have to play in influencing consumer demand for green growth.   

Leo discusses:   

  • Cutting-edge insights on switching demand towards sustainable carbon products 

  • The key principles our industry must embrace now to drive a successful net zero transition 

  • How you can inspire shoppers to make sustainable consumer choices, including success stories from other industries  

Listen to the full keynote recording below. 



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