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GA4: Prepare for the switch

May 2023

The GA4 switch is happening on the 1st of July.

As Google Universal Analytics comes to an end and the date to migrate looms even closer, don't delay in setting up GA4 now or you could risk losing valuable data and insights.

Want more information on the switch and how we can help you before July, then get our 'how we can help' guide sent straight to your email address by filling out the form on the right.

Feeling a bit wary? No need. We've got you!

Our audit has been designed to give you an overview of what it is, why it’s going to improve your life, and how we can help to ensure you’re GA4 primed before the deadline of 1st July 2023 (or – if you use GA360, 1st July 2024). If you need more information on GA4 then check out our guide.

Here's what you need to keep in mind:

  • GA4 is an all-new platform, it'll replace the old one 

  • Historical data collected within the old GA will not be there in GA4. So, you need to start tracking data within GA4 

As you prepare to adopt GA4, let our experts help you with: 

  • Historical data: When did you first implement GA4? Only data tracked with GA4 will be present in your dashboard and reports – data tracked within the old GA platform will not be present. 

  • Tracking and tagging: Is your tagging compatible with GA4? Previously, Google Analytics (Universal) used a model of sessions, pageviews, and on-page events. Now, GA4 uses an event-data model in which each event can have properties. This may require tagging changes on the site and new tags to be set up in Google Tag Manager. In particular, you should consider the implications on: 

  • Event tagging 

  • Goals 

  • Custom dimensions 

And, don't forget, time is of the essence

Timelines for adoption:

  • The old GA will stop processing data on 1st July 2023 for free GA clients, and 1st July 2024 for GA360 clients 

  • If you haven’t implemented GA4 yet, or if you’re not sure your GA4 implementation is accurate and comprehensive, the clock’s ticking.

You don't have to go it alone...

If you need help getting GA4 ready, then get your GA4 audit sent straight to your email from the form on the right.

Brave Bison specialises in:

  • Brand new implementations 

  • Migrations to GA4 

  • Training  

  • Dashboard and report creation 

Drop us a line and we’ll be happy to chat and advise on any GA4 queries.

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