WWF's annual World Wildlife Day sees brands and sports clubs removing animals and natural references from their logos for one day, to highlight the dramatic loss of biodiversity we face, under the hashtag #worldwithoutnature. But WWF needed more people, more than ever to get behind these efforts to help halt and reverse nature loss by 2030. So with with zero media budget and a powerful community of 5,000+ budding generative AI creatives, we got to work...
Before generative AI, we could only imagine what a world without nature might look like. But with this new technology now in the capable hands of millions of people, we could use it to turn those ideas into pixels within seconds and mobilise a growing and engaged community to take action. This simple thought carried the campaign.
To help us deliver the pro-bono campaign, we invited thousands of creatives from the Artificial Intelligence Creative Community to respond to a simple brief: Imagine a world without nature.
The campaign delivered high engagement due to the arresting nature of the brand-new visuals that brought it to life, aided by the hype around generative AI. We were able to use this same combination of community and technology to turn an impactful and large scale campaign around in just seven days, which was played out across LinkedIn, Instagram and X (Twitter).
“We wanted this year’s #WorldWithoutNature to make audiences think twice about the beauty and nature that we’ve long taken for granted, but which is quickly disappearing before our eyes. We need more people, more than ever to get behind our efforts to halt and reverse nature loss by 2030. This followed that exact brief, and some.